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8/1 PBE 업데이트

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PBE가 업데이트 되었습니다! 계속되는 8.16 PBE 주간에서, 오늘의 패치는 실험적인 돌격! 넥서스 모드의 계속되는 테스트 및 변경점과 더 많은 것들을 포함하고 있습니다!

계속되는 돌격! 넥서스 테스트

 Riot August posted an updated Nexus Blitz change list for 8/1 focused around stability -
"초기 패치는 버그 수정과 모드 안정성을 목적으로 작업했습니다.
PBE 8/1 패치노트 - 


---룬 메아리 레시피 조합식을 정상적으로 변경하였습니다. (사라진 양피지 -> 악마의 마법서)

---빌지워터 무작이 총력전 아이템이 비활성화되는 버그를 수정했습니다. (유령 장화, 핏빛 장막, 망령 해적검)


----이벤트 생성 주기 버그를 수정하려고 시도 중입니다. 이벤트는 가끔 활성화에 실패하여, 장시간 (게임 전체를 통틀어서도) 이벤트가 없을 수 있습니다."


  • 신드라의 클라이언트 내 스토리가 변경을 받았습니다.:
Old: "Syndra is a fearsome dark mage with incredible power at her command. As a child of Ionia, she disturbed the village elders with her prodigious but reckless use of magic. They sent her away to be trained under strict supervision, but she quickly surpassed her mentor and discovered he was restraining her powers. Betrayed and disgusted by such cowardice, Syndra eliminated her teacher and struck out to destroy all who would try to limit her potential, dark spheres in hand." 

New: "Syndra is a fearsome Ionian mage with incredible power at her command. As a child, she disturbed the village elders with her reckless and wild magic. She was sent away to be taught greater control, but eventually discovered her supposed mentor was restraining her abilities. Forming her feelings of betrayal and hurt into dark spheres of energy, Syndra has sworn to destroy all who would try to control her."

  • 카르마도 최근 업데이트된 카르마의 스토리에 맞춰 변경을 받았습니다.:
Old: "No champion exemplifies the spiritual traditions of Ionia more than Karma. She is the living embodiment of an ancient soul reincarnated countless times, carrying all her accumulated memories into each new life. With this insight, she serves as a spiritual beacon to her people, bestowing boundless wisdom and healing in times of crisis. Despite being blessed with power that few could comprehend, she rarely uses her magic for destruction, as it always comes at a considerable cost-- both to her, and to the land she holds most dear." 
New: "No mortal exemplifies the spiritual traditions of Ionia more than Karma. She is the living embodiment of an ancient soul reincarnated countless times, carrying all her accumulated memories into each new life, and blessed with power that few can comprehend. She has done her best to guide her people in recent times of crisis, though she knows that peace and harmony may come only at a considerable cost-- to her, and to the land she holds most dear."
  • 신규 크로마 팩에 대한 상점 에셋 팩이 추가되었습니다:

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밸런스 변경점

[이 없엉!]
