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[스킨 배경] 10/11 11.21 PBE 패치노트!

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스킨 배경

평온용 카르마 : As Brand's corruption spread, Karma sought the power to restore peace. When her desperate search throughout the land failed, Karma was left with nowhere left to look but within. After months of quiet contemplation, the fabled Tranquility Dragon greeted her in a vision. She awoke with the dragon's gift, the power to bring tranquil peace to face Brand's raging violence. 이중용 볼리베어 : Volibear was the greatest terror in the forest, until the nearby volcano erupted. In the frenzy of escape, Volibear came across a child who was similarly trapped, and heeded a strange instinct-- he saved the child. The Duality Dragon saw and made the mighty predator an offer: the power to hone the duality of his nature, both fury and compassion. 이중용 볼리베어 프레스티지 에디션 : Volibear stands poised between the two drives of his core self-- rage and mercy, impulse and restraint, neither overwhelming the other. Balance is an active struggle; each day the predator and protector clash, and each day Volibear's will grows stronger by the grace of the dragon's gift. 바다용 카이사 : Seeking the power to purify the land of Brand's corruption, Kai'Sa plunged into the depths of the Lagoon Dragon's waters, despite terrifying legends of the endless deep. However, the Dragon recognized her for her courage to face the unknown and blessed her with its gifts. Now, she adventures the world, cleansing the land and protecting those who cannot protect themselves. 진리용 야스오 : Alone against an army, Yasuo chose to stand and fight. He blocked a narrow pass between two mountains, allowing innocents to escape the bloodshed. Wielding the truth of steel as a dance, he felled countless foes-- but even he could not hold out forever. The Dragon of Truth, moved by his swordsmanship, came down from its peak to bless him... 몽상용 야스오 : The song of steel grew silent, and Yasuo was the last living soul on the battlefield-- though he imagined he could hear the thankful murmurs of the villagers he'd protected. Wounded and dying, Yasuo produced his flute to play a last haunting elegy. The Dragon of Dreams descended from its mountaintop, moved by Yasuo's song, and offered him its power... 강철용 쓰레쉬 : The Steel Dragon, happiest curled up in its cavernous archive amidst its treasures, needed someone with a talent for acquiring esoteric new treasures-- and its eye fell on Thresh. Honored to assist, Thresh's limitless appetite for acquisition warped into obsession. Now he stops at nothing to acquire what he wants, justifying his cruelty in the name of his benefactor.

2021 시즌 종료 소환사 배너
