
온라인 1,582

5/1 10.10 PBE 패치노트!

조회수 2,266댓글 1추천 8

0501 test.jpg


스킨 배경 추가 (공식 번역은 아직 없음)

펄스 건 피오라"Fiora joined the Chrono-Enforcers at a young age under the tutelage of her father. When a conflict with a temporal fugitive left him disgraced, her future was thrown into doubt, but Fiora endured. Now, despite having reclaimed her family's reputation, and forged herself into an utter paragon of the Chrono-Enforcers, recent revelations have cast her into doubt once more, but this time about the Remembrancer's true purpose..." 펄스 건 에코"A time fugitive who built his Pulsefire suit from scratch, Ekko improved on the Remembrancers' technology, crafting a modified Chronobreak device that allows him to make short temporal jumps, create time breaks within a singular timeline, and to collapse them all into a single, anomaly-free singularity."

TFT 밸런스 조정


Vel'Koz OriginalSquare 벨코즈

Life Form Disintegration Ray 생물 분해 광선 피해량 : 425/550/2000 -> 450/600/2000

Ziggs OdysseySquare 직스

마나 : 45 -> 20 Bouncing Bomb 펑! 피해량 : 300/400/700 -> 70/120/200

Kayle AetherWingSquare 케일

Divine Ascent 승천 피해량 : 125/200/750 -> 125/200/600
