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3/5 10.6 PBE 패치노트

조회수 2,743댓글 0추천 50

피들스틱 이스터에그

이번 PBE에 피들스틱 모델이 포함되었지만, 아직 인게임에서 볼 수는 없음.

스킨 조정

Luminshield 타릭(아직 공식 번역명 없음)

VFX 색상 조정, 궁극기가 더욱 뚜렷하게 보이도록 변경되었습니다.

암흑의 별 모데카이저

이제 떠다니는 바위 대신 행성을 보여줍니다.

스킨 설명 추가

(공식 번역은 아직 없음) Shadowfoot 트위치: "An extremely aggravating presence both in-game and at the table, Twitch Shadowfoot is the adorable Rift Quest counterpart to the actual Twitch, who is insane. Unsurprisingly, the cuddly rat-man rogue spends nearly every turn stealing his companions' equipment, mumbling of a vast conspiracy to overthrow him from his 'toilet kingdom'." Luminshield 타릭: "A battle cleric who has to simultaneously tank and heal for a pair of bumbling rogues, Taric Luminshield may be the only thing keeping his table from a total party wipe. In-universe he's a devout warrior of the Divine Goddess Targonius, but out of universe he'd rather be in a different campaign." Blackwood 탈론: "The sworn brother of Twitch Shadowfoot, dashing assassin extraordinaire Talon Blackwood is one half of an infamous underworld duo and the only advanced class in the entire party. He's also a brooding dark elf antihero with a tragic backstory, who is fated to one day save the world! Probably." 암흑의 별 말파이트: "The remnants of a once lush and enormous exo-planet, the Dark Star consumed and reformed the broken cluster of planetary debris into a twisted consciousness, ever pulling others into its orbit, and unleashing oblivion upon all who cross its path." 암흑의 별 모데카이저: "Once a member of the Cosmic Court, Mordekaiser vanished from known space for an epoch-- until now. Reborn and returned from an unknown destruction, Mordekaiser seems bent on unmaking the kingdoms of stars and light he once built. Though he still bears his Cosmic armor, the mind and figure within has been twisted and reforged to know only hatred and destruction." 암흑의 별 제라스: "As the Dark Star continued on its path across space, it passed through a vibrant system orbiting a supergiant star. Consuming all life and light as it passed , the Dark Star twisted the supergiant into a wrathful corruptant. Thus, Xerath was born-- a dark being of malice and annihilation." 암흑 우주 럭스: "Once the right hand of Queen Ashe, Lux embraced the darkness in her heart, answering the mad call of the Dark Star. Finally seeing the truth, she rejects the Cosmic Court, instead serving her own dark ambition to quiet the banal noise of creation. For she now knows her true fate-- to reign as Queen of a Dark Court, and rightful master of the Dark Star." 우주 럭스: The right hand of Queen Ashe, Lux weaves celestial constellations, bringing order to a universe drifting towards entropy. When the Dark Star began corrupting members of the Cosmic Court, Lux stepped forward to confront Thresh. Yet she harbors a terrible secret-- a shard of darkness that has always lived within her heart, whispering temptations..."

갤럭시 꼬마 전설이들

SkinSpotlights 영상 https://youtu.be/O-uQ7g02j6I

밸런스 조정

죽음의 무도 죽음의 무도

원거리 챔피언 출혈 변환량 : 30% -> 20%
