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What is word play?

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Playing on words is taking advantage of the features of sound and meaning of words to create witty, humorous nuances and to make sentences attractive and interesting. Some other applications for arranging letters include word unscrambler, word finder, etc. Common puns Using homonyms This measure uses words that are similar in pronunciation, or homonyms. Often referred to ashomonyms, but with completely different meanings. This wordplay often carries the meaning of satire, lashing out. Use syllables (near syllables). A play on words that uses words that are almost the same, differ only in punctuation, but have completely different meanings Use alliteration This pun deliberately repeats certain phonetic elements (first consonants, rhymes, or tones) to create meaningful resonance. It has the effect of emphasizing images or emotions, evoking associations, and making the lyrics and poetry more musical. Use speech Speaking, also known as saying the opposite of words, has a sarcastic, sarcastic, or joking effect. Not all readers or listeners can understand the author's implication if they do not deduce or analyze each word. Playing on words by speaking is the most familiar and easiest to encounter when reading poetry and proverbs. Use antonyms, synonyms, and close words. This type is only the same as the first consonant, which helps to create emphasis for the whole poem.
