
온라인 930

케인 TMI

조회수 5,106댓글 28추천 363

SPeCCoLT Does kayn eat pizza with or without pineapple? What about Rhaast, pineapple or none? Can he even eat with his mouth, is it moving when he speaks? Siamese twins Kayn skin when? Just managed to get my first game with him and i appreciate his sustain only occuring during champion combat as Rhaast and with E. We dont need Aatrox or Vladimir levels of annoying sustain. 케인 파인애플 피자 먹음? 아님 딴거좋아함? (대충 라아스트도 그러냐는 질문과 입으로 먹을수있냐는 질문이랑 다른 질문)

DanielZKlein Kayn and Rhaast disagree about everything except this: Ham and Pineapple on pizza is fucking DELICIOUS. 케인과 라아스트는 모든 것을 부정함, 하나 빼고: 햄과 파인애플이 올라간 피자가 존나게 맛있다는 거


미친 제드새끼 애한테 뭘쳐가르쳤길래 애가 구운파인애플을먹냐? 미친새끼야 그림자로꺼져
